The Italian brand Italwax develops highly effective depilatory waxes in its own laboratory in Milan - and the Dutch company Maxx Wellness is the importer of these products in the Benelux. In addition to various fragrances and types of wax (from cartridges to beads), Maxx Wellness now sells the Glowax Kit from Italwax: an innovative set for facial hair removal, including a wax heater and pre and post treatment products. Drogist'Business spoke about it with the knowledgeable Nikita Reuter, responsible for marketing and sales at Maxx Wellness.
No more parties. And dating in this day and age was already difficult, but has pretty much become mission §impossible since the pandemic. Working from home in your woolly pajamas. You just start liking your dog or cat a lot more than others. You stopped waxing your armpits and the lot down there regularly a long time ago. Actually, you've also become a little too lazy to take action or keep track of things. Recognizable?
If you are about to wax your body, you can choose from several options. You can go for natural wax such as sugar wax for depilation, but also for synthetic film wax. Why should you choose synthetic wax? Here's a top 5 benefits of using synthetic wax.
Waxing has long since ceased to be purely a "woman's thing. More and more men are finding their way to waxing. One obvious reason is that having clean, smooth skin makes you look more youthful and gives the impression that you are confident and care about your body.... but there's more!
"Would you like to get started yourself with waxing where and when it suits you? Or do not you want to spend too much money on an expensive wax treatment at the salon? Then Harsdiscounter offers you in both cases a solution! Get started with a handy wax starter kit; then you immediately have everything you need at hand and can independently start waxing in your own bathroom."